Welcome! 👋

A casual take on clicker games, where you get to run your own businesses from your phone! This game is a personal project that I plan on releasing on the apple app store and google play store! Currently this is a short demo of what the general game-play loop will be for the game!

Future Updates! 🤖

  • Office Business
  • App Development Business
  • Housing Business
  • Revamped UI

Why Am I Making This? 🤔

I have ALWAYS wanted to give mobile development a try, and felt that clicker games have been consumed by over advertised games. Thats why this project will have limited ads, and will feature a payed add-on for $3 to remove ads PERMANENTLY. This allows for me to keep working on this project and have a livable wage while working on it!

Wanna Learn More? 🤯

I feature this game up on my YouTube Channel where you can see devlogs on this project! I will also begin posting updates on my Patreon if youd like to support me on there!

YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/@FreefireStudios

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/c/FreefireStudios


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Nothing to write home about. I finished the current build in about 5 minutes. I would definitely not pay for this game.

(1 edit)

Thanks for trying out the game! This is going to be a free mobile game, and it will have lots more content! I plan on adding mini-games to boost businesses, but also adding more businesses to the project! But again, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to try it out! ❤️

-Freeefire Studios


I maxxed everything within a few minutes, while I really don't appreciate a grind idler, the balance is not quite there yet.  Also needs a few different mechanics to play with, literally its just wait and click next employee hire, then next cafe

Thank you so so much for testing out this game! ❤️

 I plan on adding a few mechanics like mini-games to make the game feel more  "gameish" not so much just idling! Cause I would like this to be a mobile game you can pickup and play for a few minutes while you're waiting for something. 😄

Thank you again for trying out this project, it really does mean a lot to me! ❤️

-Freefire Studios